Melinda Constanza, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor

Hi, I am Melinda Constanza, LPCC

Hi! I’m Melinda and I’m grateful to connect with you.  I’m a mom of 3 (ages 7,4, and 2) and a Licensed Counselor in California specializing in anxiety, trauma, and perinatal mental health.  I’m passionate about providing support to other women who are constantly giving so much of themselves to meet the needs of others.  
I remember feeling overwhelmed and full of so much anxiety as a first time mom. I often found myself feeling discouraged and defeated because of the most common feeling most other mom’s I speak to also feel: guilt.  I felt guilty for doing anything for myself, guilty for going back to work, or guilty for just not being the mom I had envisioned I would be.  Now as a mom of 3, I’ve learned to practice reframing my guilt with God’s truth.  I have grown more confident that God gave me my children because He knew only I could be the mom they needed. Now, I’m on a mission to be able to provide the same shift in perspective for other mom’s who may also be struggling to let go of the anxious thoughts and unrealistic expectations to become free to see themselves as the women that God designed them to be. 
Being a mom comes with different challenges in each stage and we are all doing the best we can. Sometimes, we need extra support and we should never feel alone on this journey. Together, we will create a space that will help you feel validated, encouraged, and equipped with clinical tools and Biblical truth to help you navigate the normal highs and lows of motherhood.