The Team


Owner, LPCC

I’m a Christian Counselor committed to help Christian men and women learn how to heal from past trauma and anxiety. If you’ve tried traditional counseling and still felt stuck, you’re not alone. By integrating Biblical truth to therapy we can work together to have a more impactful therapy experience.
Using my clinical counseling experience and a Christian Counseling lens, I can help you navigate your journey towards living a more calm and present life. We can work together to identify what anxious patterns are keeping you stuck and build new patterns of thinking that are not solely emotion based. With time, you will have awareness and skills you need.

It’s easy to allow fear to keep you stuck even when you aren’t satisfied with your situation. Being vulnerable is scary, especially with a stranger. So although change is hard, staying stuck will be harder long term. You deserve to truly live and enjoy your life, not just survive through it. Change is possible, one step at a time.


Mental Health Coach

I have a passion for helping men overcome their unresolved issues and struggles so that they may become the great men that God has called them to be.  I believe that one of the biggest needs in our society today is of real men grounded in Godly principles of love, strength, wisdom, and honesty.  To achieve this, we must be willing to face our brokenness within and work hard to overcome.

Why did I choose to do coaching?
Throughout my life, I have experienced my own mental health struggles that have required rehabilitation throughout the years.  I come from a home that primarily focused on working hard and making a profitable living, therefore in my younger years I never really learned how to face or cope with emotional issues.  I realized that this had a profound impact on my ability to heal, to overcome struggles, and cope in healthy ways.  With time, God not only helped me to overcome but He also convicted me to help other men as well.  Today I am a firm believer that Jesus is able to use the broken to heal the broken, the once-addicted to reach the addicted.  As a restored man living in a world filled with broken people and endless problems, God has convicted me to walk alongside the broken and point them back to Him, the Ultimate Healer.

What do I enjoy best about coaching?
Helping men become the best version of themselves and who God created them to be. Men face many challenges in life, and I personally know the benefits of having a mentor/guide to get the support and encouragement they need. I especially enjoy seeing men thrive in becoming the men they were meant to be, and seeing them start to enjoy life to the fullest!
Ares of Specialty:
-Men’s Struggles
-Coping Mechanisms
-Sexual Sin
-Self Esteem and confidence related issues
Benefits of coaching: 
-Focus on practical goals and strategies to achieving them
-Personal Development
-Abide Network Mental Health Coach
-Currently enrolled at California Baptist University for Master’s in Counseling Psychology
How do I recharge on my day off?
Spending time with my wife and three kids, traveling, hiking trails, beach, weight lifting, building cool projects.